Key Features
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MetaKingdoms will be a space with its own decentralized economy. The main native currency of the in-game space will be the MetaKingdoms token (KING).
The token will be distributed among early investors and fans, which, in turn, will support the creators and developers of the project for further development and improvements.
Early $KING token holders will be eligible for further distribution of in-game bonuses from game developers. As well as, each Fairlaunch participant will be eligible for our huge $20 000 giveaway that will be separated between 20 lucky holders.
Each Fairlaunch participant will be eligible for our huge $20 000 giveaway that will be separated between 20 lucky holders. No minumum buy requirements to get eligible for giveaway - the only term is to participate in Fairlaunch.
MetaKingdoms is an tactics strategy game. As in any tactics strategy game, players can enjoy different armies and terrains, that are optimized in 7 different categories. Here are some of the main areas that will be available to players:
You can own land in MetaKingdoms.
What's more, you can manage your plot of land as you see fit. It can be sold through the built-in marketplace for KING tokens, it can be exchanged or donated. You can create unions with different players, and turn your land into a union's land. Each plot of land is contained in the form of an NFT, which is minted and given to the buyer after a successful purchase.
There will be a total of 5000 plots in MetaKingdoms space on each nations army.
MetaKingdoms is designed to bring like-minded people together. Therefore, one of the key features of the meta-universe will be the ability to unite in unions.
In total, it will be possible to unite in four unions:
Squad (2-10 players)
Union ( 10-50 players)
Federation (50-100players)
National Centre (this badge is limited for 5 unions with most player squads)
You will be able to buy your union property, create your own bases, headquarters and even cities! Control your territories and protect them. Obtain power and respect in MetaKingdoms space.